Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How to Feed a Tadpole

Sometimes God just drops teachable moments in your lap. Being a home schooling family, we try to use those moments to our advantage. This weekend, our daughter told us that our swimming pool was full of TADPOLES, and then the questions started. 

"How did they get there?"
What do tadpoles eat?"
"What if they die???"

So, Nana pulled up the info on her iPhone and here is what we found...

This site had great information on tadpoles. How long it takes them to become frogs, what tadpoles eat, and how to take care of them. It also tells you how to make your own tadpole food! So here is what we did...

Boil a head of lettuce for 10-15 minutes

Drain the water

Let cool and then chop into small pieces

Make two snack bags of the chopped lettuce. One for the fridge to feed the tadpoles and one in the freezer for later.

Then feed your tadpoles! Just a pinch here and there.

and guess what???

They liked it!!!!

And we liked to watch... :)

We will keep you updated on how the tadpoles do and what happens next!

Yay for fun learning!!!